“Programa Condomínios Residenciais” webinar promoted by the Porto Energy Hub Project.”
On July 12th, 2023, AdEPorto organized a webinar, held within the project Porto Energy Hub, where clarifications related to the incentive programme “Condomínios Residenciais” were made.
Here you have access to the recorded version of the session conducted, which aimed to address the main issues related to the application process for the incentive.
The objective of this programme is to finance energy efficiency measures for the:
➡️improvement of thermal comfort in residential buildings;
➡️energy bills reduction;
➡️renovation of the existing housing stock.
These measures pretend, in particular, to promote the implementation of thermal insulation of outer walls, coverings and pavements.
The applications for this incentive are open util the December 28th, 2023, but can close before in case the budget of 12M€ is fully filled.
The details about the programme “Condomínios Residenciais”, as the geographic and sector scope, beneficiaries and intervention typologies supported can be consulted at:https://www.fundoambiental.pt/apoios-prr/c13-eficiencia-energetica-em-edificios/04c13-i012023.aspx