The applications for the incentive “Edifícios mais Sustentáveis 2023”
The applications for the incentive “Edifícios mais Sustentáveis 2023” will open on August 16th, 2023.
In case you have already carried out renovations or building alterations (subsequent to May 1st, 2022) or in case you are considering an intervention to increase the energy efficiency of your household, you can submit an application until 17:59pm of October 31st, 2023.
The aim of the programme is to finance measures for renovation, decarbonization, energy efficiency, water efficiency and circular economy of residential buildings, promoting the improvement of thermal comfort and contributing to the reduction of energy bills.
The incentive supports up to 85% of the investment and 5 typologies of intervention: windows, insulation, climatization and hot water supply systems, implementation of self-consumption renewable energy systems and interventions related to water efficiency, with a financial provision of 30M€. Homeowners residing permanently in the household are eligible.
Learn more in the website Fundo Ambiental