workshop do porto energy hub com representantes de empresas do setor energético

Porto Energy Hub discusses with industry companies a new financing model to promote energy efficiency

Service at Porto Energy Hub

Porto Energy Hub is highlighted in Europe as a good practice in combating Energy Poverty

FEDARENE mentions the proximity model between Porto Energy Hub and citizens in promoting energy efficiency.

atendimento no matosinhos energy hub

Matosinhos Energy Hub opens to support the citizens of the municipality

Interactive platform characterizes energy poverty in Porto and Lisbon

Matosinhos will rehabilitate 5 housing projects with support from Porto Energy Hub

The municipality of Matosinhos unanimously approved, on  August 31st, the launch of public tenders leading to the rehabilitation of five housing projects

Porto Energy Hub counter now available in physical and virtual format

Porto Energy Hub assumes goals of the Porto Climate Pact

The project will contribute to accelerating the achievement of carbon neutrality in the city by mitigating energy poverty.

Porto Energy Hub starts to mitigate energy poverty in the North region

The project will promote energy efficiency in buildings and encourage self-consumption from renewable energy sources.